RBC group savings plans cover a full spectrum of investments. Depending on the plan or combination of plans selected, plan members can enjoy the ability to choose investments that best suit their needs. We recommend that plan members speak with an RBC investment specialist to review their investment objectives and create an effective portfolio designed specifically for their needs.
Savings Accounts
RBC savings accounts pay interest on every dollar invested. Intended for short-term savings requirements, an RBC savings account is an ideal way to start an RBC group savings plan if plan members are planning to withdraw or re-invest part of their contributions in the near future.
Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs)
GICs are ideal investments for plan members who want to invest for a specific term at a guaranteed rate without risking their initial investment. The investment earns interest at either a set rate or one based on a market formula. Generally speaking, GICs with longer terms earn higher interest rates.
RBC Funds
RBC Asset Management Inc. offers a full range of mutual funds, spanning asset classes and sectors around the world. RBC Funds are monitored on an ongoing basis for performance and compliance. As part of this process, RBC compares its funds to a carefully selected universe of between eight to 12 external funds to judge competitiveness from a performance and pricing standpoint.
Brokerage Options
RBC Direct Investing provides access to most Canadian mutual funds, a variety of GICs, treasury bills, stocks, bonds and other investment options. RBC Dominion Securities allows for convenient access to a broad array of mutual funds, GICs, treasury bills, stocks, bonds and other investment options, all provided through the personalized advisory services of an investment advisor.