Personal Insurance > Travel Insurance >
Emergency medical coverage and more
Visit, work or study in Canada—with emergency medical and dental insurance for up to a year.
Visitors to Canada insurance
When you’re visiting, immigrating to or studying in Canada and need emergency medical coverage.
Essential coverage for visitors
Visitor to Canada
Visitors Plan III
Ages: 1 month to 69 years
Up to $150,0001 in emergency medical/dental
24-hour worldwide emergency medical assistance
No deductible payment required for claims
Additional features
No medical questions asked
Coverage for a single trip lasting up to 365 days
Coverage for travel accidents2
Visitor to Canada
Most popular
Visitors Plan II
Ages: 1 month to 84 years
Up to $50,0001 in emergency medical/dental
24-hour worldwide emergency medical assistance
Low $50 deductible payment required for claims
Additional features
No medical questions asked
Coverage for a single trip lasting up to 365 days
Coverage for travel accidents2
Visitor to Canada
Most popular
Visitors Plan I
Ages: 1 month to 84 years
Up to $25,0001 in emergency medical/dental
24-hour worldwide emergency medical assistance
Low $50 deductible payment required for claims
Additional features
No medical questions asked
Coverage for a single trip lasting up to 365 days
Coverage for travel accidents2
Policy document
For complete coverage details, limitations and exclusions, see:
Whatever your needs, we can help
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This is the aggregate limit of all benefits under the emergency medical portion of this policy. Please read the policy for complete details.
The insured person is entitled to a maximum of the largest amount specified for one of these three Travel Accident Insurance benefits: 1) Death ($25,000), 2) Double dismemberment, loss of sight in both eyes, or complete and irrevocable loss of speech or hearing ($25,000), or 3) Single dismemberment or loss of sight in one eye. ($12,500). Please read the policy for complete details.