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General Information
You must be in this age range at the time you purchase the package.
The medical questionnaire contains questions that you must answer correctly at the time you apply. Your medical condition at the time you complete the medical questionnaire determines your plan eligibility, the terms of coverage and the premiums that apply to you. Your completed medical questionnaire forms part of your insurance contract.
Any pre-existing condition(s) must be stable (Terms to know) for a specific period of time before the effective date of your policy in order to be covered in the event of a claim.
Your package covers you for travel to the destinations listed above. For example, if you are travelling to the United States, you would not purchase the Travel Within Canada package.
Single & Multi-Trip Options
You can purchase coverage for a single trip up to the number of days listed above.
Do you travel two or more times in a year? Our multi-trip annual plan coverage option can make travelling more cost-efficient since you are covered for any trips you take (each up to the chosen trip duration) within a 365-day period.
You must be in this age range at the time you purchase multi-trip annual plan coverage.
With a multi-trip annual plan, you can choose the trip duration option that meets your needs. Each covers an unlimited number of trips within a 365-day period and each individual trip may be up to the number of consecutive days you chose. You can also "top-up" coverage for an individual trip if it will be longer than the maximum duration you selected. (When you "top-up" your coverage, you add to your insurance beyond the duration originally covered.)
Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance
Before Departure insurance reimburses you for the non-refundable portion of your prepaid travel arrangements, due to the cancellation penalties that may be charged by the transportation carrier or tour operator, up to the sum insured for trip cancellation before departure
After Departure insurance reimburses you for the transportation costs you incur if you have to return home early or if your return home is delayed, up to the sum insured for trip interruption after departure.
After Departure insurance reimburses you for the non-refundable portion of your unused prepaid travel arrangements, up to the sum insured for trip cancellation before departure.
The Out of Pocket expenses benefit reimburses you for expenses (up to the amount stated above) incurred as a result of a covered risk. Expenses can include your commercial accommodations and meals, essential telephone calls, internet usage fees, and taxi fares (ride sharing, or rental car in lieu of taxi fares), up to the specified maximum.
Emergency Medical Insurance
Emergency Medical insurance pays for expenses related to a covered emergency medical condition that arises while you are on your trip. Benefits may include coverage for a hospital stay; transportation by a ground or air ambulance; the return to your departure point; emergency dental treatment; a companion's travel to your bedside; the return of a vehicle, your children, your travelling companion, your dog or cat, and your excess baggage if you are returned by air ambulance; and more.
If you have a medical emergency while on your trip, one toll-free phone call puts you in touch with a multilingual coordinator who can help you—24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our multilingual professionals will coordinate on your behalf with a local doctor or nurse to arrange the care you need.
The Out of Pocket Expenses benefit reimburses you up to the amount stated above for commercial accommodations and meals, essential telephone calls, internet usage fees and taxi fares (ride sharing, or rental car in lieu of taxi fares), if, upon a physician's advice, you or your travelling companion are relocated or delayed beyond your return date to receive medical treatment for an emergency medical condition covered under this insurance.
Baggage & Personal Effects Insurance
This coverage provides protection up to the amount stated above from the loss of, or damage to, the baggage and personal effects that you own and use during your trip, including your passport, driver's license, birth certificate or travel visa.
This coverage reimburses you up to the amount stated above for necessary toiletries and clothing if your baggage is delayed.
Flight & Travel Accident Insurance
Flight Accident insurance covers you up to the amount stated above for death, double dismemberment, loss of sight in both eyes or complete and irrecoverable loss of speech or hearing, while on airport premises, travelling on scheduled helicopter shuttles, and in airport buses and limousines that have been authorized by the carrier or airport authority, as well as during the scheduled flight.
Travel Accident insurance covers you up to the amount stated above for death, double dismemberment, loss of sight in both eyes or complete and irrecoverable loss of speech or hearing, while on a covered trip.