The Cost of Living Adjusted Benefit This rider increases the amount of benefit payable on each anniversary of an insured’s continuing total, partial or residual disability
Benefits begin on the 366th day of disability. Benefit increases will match the actual rise in the Consumer Price Index over the period of disability. We guarantee that this cumulative adjustment is not less than 2% compounded per year since the start of disability. The maximum cumulative adjustment per year is 10% compounded. There is no cap on the total increase.
Prior to age 60 and within 90 days from the date of recovery, the insured has the option to purchase the increased amount of the monthly benefit applied during disability without medical or financial evidence. This occurs provided the insured is working full-time and total coverage is not greater than the published maximum limits for the insured’s class. Rates for the increased coverage are based on the insured’s attained age and the table of premiums then in effect.
Partial Disability Benefit
Provides a percentage of the disability benefit when you are partially disabled. The definition of partial disability is: “You are receiving appropriate physician’s care and are not able to perform:
1. |
the regular daily duties of your occupation at least one-half the time usually required; or |
2. |
one or more important duties of your occupation.” | “Your occupation” means the occupation in which the insured is engaged at the time of disability.
If the Enhanced Definition of Disability rider is purchased, then this definition of “your occupation” applies for the entire benefit period. If the Enhanced Definition of Disability rider is not purchased, then after a disability benefit has been payable for 24 months, “your occupation” means any gainful occupation for which the insured is reasonably fitted by education, training or experience, considering the insured’s prior economic status.
During the first 24 months of partial disability, partial benefits are equal to 50% of total disability benefits. If partial disability benefits are payable after 24 months, this percentage reduces to 25% of total disability benefits for the remainder of the benefit period. Partial disability does not have to follow a period of total disability. After a compensable period of partial disability, you will be eligible for up to two additional months of partial disability benefits by returning to work. A physician’s care is not required.
Regular Occupation Extension (Enhanced Definition of Disability)
This rider changes the definition of “total disability” to say: “Due to injury or sickness, the insured is unable to perform the important duties of his/her regular occupation, is not engaged in any other gainful occupation and is receiving appropriate physician’s care.” This benefit extends the definition of total disability from 24 months to the entire benefit period.
Health Care Profession Benefit
The Health Care Profession benefit is mandatory (unless denied for underwriting reasons) to the following health care professionals: medical doctors, dentists, dental surgeons, chiropodists/podiatrists, professional lab technicians, dental hygienists, dental assistants, denture therapists, denturists, denturologists, acupuncturists (MD and non-MD), nurses (RN’s, RNA’s, LPN’s, including nursing directors, instructors and nurse practitioners), respiratory therapists, respirologists, massage therapists doing acupuncture, physiotherapists doing acupuncture and paramedics.
As a qualified health care professional, the insured may be at risk of exposure to HIV or Hepatitis B and C. Under this benefit, if the insured meets one of the following conditions, he/she is not required to be under the care of a physician in order to qualify for disability benefits provided he/she is HIV impaired or Hepatitis impaired and due to his/her impairment:
he/she is restricted or prohibited from performing the important duties of their occupation; or |
his/her patients refuse treatment from him/her because he/she has to disclose to his/her patients his/her impairment as required by law or by a written policy of general application of a medical regulatory body or medical licensing body. |
For the purpose of this rider, “your occupation” means the occupation or occupations in which the insured is regularly engaged at the time that he/she becomes disabled.
The premium for the Health Care Profession benefit can be changed at any time; however once changed, the premium is locked in for five years.
Accidental Death and Dismemberment This benefit provides for specific losses due to accidental bodily injuries sustained by the insured and resulting in continuous total disability as follows:
Full benefit - death, loss of two limbs, loss of sight in both eyes. Half benefit - loss of either a hand or foot. One-third benefit – loss of sight in one eye.
The specific loss must have occurred within six months of the accident.
The Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefit is available in units of $10,000 for every $100 of disability income monthly benefit. The maximum Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefit is listed below:
Class |
Issue Limit |
Participation Limit |
4A/3A |
$300, 000 |
$300, 000 |
2A |
$225, 000 |
$250, 000 |
Disability In Your Own Occupation Benefit
The Disability in Your Occupation benefit begins on the commencement date for total disability. It changes the definition of total disability to mean: as a result of injury or illness, the insured is unable to perform the important duties of his/her occupation and is receiving appropriate physician’s care. This benefit is available to age 55 to the following selected class 4A professionals: accountants (CA, CMA, CGA only), actuaries, architects, attorneys, chiropodists, dental specialists (periodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, prosthodontists, pediatric dentists (pedodontists), specialists in oral medicine and pathology, orthodontists and dental health specialists), professional engineers, lawyers, notaries (Quebec), optometrists, osteopaths, pharmacists, physicians and surgeons (including acupuncturists and psychiatrists), podiatrists and psychologists with a Ph.D.
This benefit is issued to age 55.
Retirement Protector Benefit
This benefit helps the insured maintain deposits to a retirement savings program while totally disabled. Benefits range from $300 to $1,500 but may not exceed 20% of the insured’s monthly earned income at issue.