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Compare Life Insurance Plans


Age eligibility

  • Term 10 to 15: Ages 18-70
  • Term 16 to 40: Max issue age is age 85 minus the term
  • Term 10 to 15: Ages 18-70
  • Term 16 to 40: Max issue age is age 85 minus the term

Ages 18-85

Ages 40-75

Ages 0-854

Ages 0-80

Medical exam

May not be required

Typically required

Typically required

No medical exam

Typically required

Typically required

Coverage and benefits1

Ideal if you want…

Affordable, easy to buy term coverage that helps protect your family for a limited time (such as when your kids are young or you have a mortgage)

Substantial term coverage that helps protect your family for a limited time (such as when your kids are young or you have a mortgage)

Lifetime coverage to protect your family or to help your heirs pay capital gains tax on assets left to them

To leave a little something extra to your loved ones or help pay for final expenses

Lifetime coverage and the ability to save for the future in a tax-advantaged policy

To be involved with managing the policy’s underlying investments

Lifetime coverage with cash value guarantees and the potential to earn dividends to help protect your family and estate

The insurer to manage the policy’s invested assets

Coverage amounts3

$50,000 to $1,000,000*

*Age 56 and older: up to $500,000

$1,000,001 to $25,000,000*

*Age 56 and older: from $500,000

$50,000 to $25,000,000

$5,000 to $40,000

$25,000 to $25,000,000

$25,000 to $25,000,000

Coverage timeframe

Varies: 10 to 40 years, with the option to renew for another term

Varies: 10 to 40 years, with the option to renew for another term

For life

For life

For life

For life

Tax-free death benefit







Optional benefits

Please contact us for more information.

  • Children’s Term rider
  • Accidental Death rider
  • Joint-First-to-Die option
  • Other optional benefits
  • Children’s Term rider
  • Accidental Death rider
  • Joint-First-to-Die option
  • Term 10 and 20 riders
  • Other optional benefits


  • Children’s Term rider
  • Accidental Death rider
  • Other optional benefits
  • Children’s Term rider
  • Accidental Death rider
  • Guaranteed Insurability Benefit
  • Other optional benefits

Other features

Convert to whole or RBC Growth Insurance without medical evidence5

Exchange Term 10 for Term 15, 20 or 30 without medical evidence5

Additional coverage on top of the life insurance benefit in case of accidental death5

Convert to whole or RBC Growth Insurance without medical evidence5

Exchange Term 10 for Term 15, 20 or 30 without medical evidence5


Compassionate advance due to terminal illness5

Additional coverage of 5x the life insurance benefit in case of accidental death5

Portion of premium is deposited into investment accounts of your choice, where money grows tax-advantaged

Policy builds future cash value and can earn dividends

Juvenile Guaranteed Insurability Benefit


Premiums guaranteed

Yes, the entire term. Premiums change at renewal but are guaranteed for entire renewal term.

Yes, the entire term. Premiums change at renewal but are guaranteed for entire renewal term.



Various terms and payment options4


Premium increases

Yes, after initial term is complete

Yes, after initial term is complete



Various terms and payment options4


Timeframe to pay premiums

The entire term, up until age 100

The entire term, up until age 100

To age 100

To age 95

Various terms and payment options4

  • 10 years
  • 20 years
  • For life (up to age 100)


Cancelable anytime





Yes (taxes and surrender charges may apply)

Yes (taxes may apply)

Money-back cancellation period

30 days

10 days

10 days

30 days

10 days

10 days