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Home > Travel Insurance > Travelling Within Canada

Stay protected while exploring Canada

Get coverage for trip cancellations, interruptions and emergency medical expenses.

Traveling within Canada

If you’re going outside your home province or territory, your provincial health insurance won’t cover you for any non-medical travel situations or certain emergency medical expenses. Our travel insurance can help fill the gap.

Travel within Canada package

You are covered for:

  • Unlimited eligible emergency medical expenses1
  • Travel expenses to get you home after a medical emergency or other trip interruption
  • Last-minute cancellation or trip interruptions due to family/work emergencies, unexpected health issues or other unforeseen events
  • Non-refundable portions of unused, prepaid flights if an illness, injury or other unexpected event forces you to cancel your flight, cut your trip short or delay your return home
  • Baggage delays and lost or stolen luggage or personal items
  • Flight and travel accidents
  • 24-hour worldwide emergency medical assistance

Whatever your needs, we can help.

Make sure you have the right travel insurance – get an online quote or talk to a licensed insurance advisor.

For emergency medical and travel assistance
See emergency contact details

woman with her child in an airport heading on their dream vacation